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The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services

MAT and Bonnie Migration – Action Needed

Important announcement from CMS: MAT and Bonnie decommissioning date finalized - June 28, 2024. 

CMS released MADiE (Measure Authoring Development Integrated Environment) November 17, 2022, after identifying a modernization was needed to refresh the technology solutions utilized, improve security, and reimagine how a tool can support the user community. The legacy tools MAT (Measure Authoring Tool) and Bonnie – which includes Bonnie Prior, QDM (Quality Data Model) and FHIR (Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources) – continue to utilize technology that is outdated or no longer supported and will no longer be accessible after June 28th, 2024. Below are key dates in the migration timeline, more details will be shared in future communications. 

  • March and April 2024: MADiE continues to release key features to support QDM measure development, as well as enhancements based on prioritization discussions. 
  • May 2024: Measure developers need to begin the process of migrating measures, libraries and test cases to MADiE if that process has not begun already. 
  • June 28, 2024: MAT, Bonnie FHIR, Bonnie QDM and Bonnie Prior shutdown. These tools will no longer be accessible by any measure developers.  

MADiE is built on the latest technology and supports editing and testing of QI-Core and QDM measures.  This enables measure developers to streamline their workflows by switching between measure development and testing within one tool. For more information on how to request access to MADiE please refer to the MADiE Access Guide.


What does this mean for MAT and Bonnie users?  

As MAT and Bonnie will no longer be accessible, the measures and test cases currently contained within those tools will not be accessible to users if they are not exported prior to June 28th, 2024.  

MAT users will need to log in and export their CQL/QDM measures that use QDM v5.6 as well as their FHIR measures, including any draft or prior versions, for which they would like to retain a copy. Users can log in to the MAT here:  

Bonnie users will need to log in and export their test cases. Users that have test cases in Bonnie FHIR, Bonnie QDM and/or Bonnie Prior will need to log in and export their test cases in each location for which they would like to retain a copy. Users can log in to the three Bonnie environments at the links shown below: 

Users also have the ability to transfer their QDM and FHIR measures and import test cases directly to MADiE. (Note: Test cases in Bonnie Prior cannot be imported into MADiE). Only the measure owner can transfer measures from the MAT into MADiE. After the transfer is complete, they will remain the owner in MADiE. To complete this migration, users will need to log in to the MAT, Bonnie QDM and/or Bonnie FHIR and begin transferring their measures and importing test cases to MADiE. After the measures have been transferred and test cases have been imported, users should begin testing them in MADiE.  

Users that own standalone CQL Libraries in the MAT which have not already been created in MADiE, will need to manually create the standalone CQL Library in MADiE.  

Users are encouraged to begin this migration process early, to ensure it is complete prior to June 28th, 2024. Please refer to the tool user guides (listed below) for instructions on transferring, exporting, and importing.  

If you have any questions or concerns regarding any of the activities on this timeline, please contact your CMS representative. If you do not have a CMS representative, please contact the MADiE help desk at with your questions or submit questions to the ONC Jira Bonnie MAT MADiE Issue Tracker here. Users are encouraged to attend the monthly MAT, Bonnie and MADiE User Group meetings.  


MAT Bonnie and MADiE User Guides 

MAT Public Website: 

  • The MAT User Guide is available on the Training & Resources tab and includes the following instructions: 

    • Export a measure (Chapter 5)
    • Package a measure for export (Chapter 9)  

    • Transfer a measure to MADiE (Chapter 11) 

  • The MADiE User Guide is available on the MADiE MVP tab and includes the following instructions: 

    • Transfer a measure from MAT (Section 7) 

    • Import test cases from Bonnie FHIR and QDM (Section 8)  

    • Create a CQL Library (Section 13) 


Bonnie FHIR: 

  • The Bonnie FHIR User Guide is available on the Login page and includes instructions for exporting test cases (Section 7.) 


Bonnie QDM: 

  • The Bonnie QDM User Guide is available on the Login page and includes instructions for exporting test cases (Section 6.) 


Bonnie Prior: 

  •  The Bonnie Prior User Guide is available on the Login page and includes information on exporting test cases (Section 7.)